Today, I want to give you a little peek into my day-to-day writing life. So, where does all the story writing magic take place, you ask? Well, I’ll show you (even if you didn’t ask).
Mostly I write at my desk in my home office. You might say—as my husband sometimes does from where he sits at an immaculately clean desk 3 feet away—that my desk is quite messy. And you would be correct.

I’m not someone who claims to like the clutter. It’s really just that I think best by hand writing notes in notebooks and on post-its or other scraps of paper. I like to have these notes in sight and easy to reference. And then, once I no longer need them, it’s really easy for me to just ignore them all together, and then they just stay there. So, I’m not necessarily proud of it, but my desk is what it is, and there’s no use pretending otherwise.
And then, there’s also my snack drawer…er…I mean, reference book drawer. This is very important to allowing me to stay put and keep writing no matter what snack…er…reference book or notes I might need.

But even with snacks close at hand, I do get tired of just staying at my desk, and I like a change of venue, so I’ll often haul my laptop around the house. Hence the power cord that his coming down the front of the desk in the above picture, rather than neatly running down the back. This makes for easy getaways when I’ll be gone long enough that I need to take the power cord with me.
Lately, my writing spot of choice is on my nice comfy bed with a blanket wrapped around me.

Beyond that, writing is a quiet, solitary affair that takes place mostly in my head as I pace around the house, scribble notes in countless notebooks, and pluck away at the keyboard. That’s why I love it so much when a book is finally complete and I can invite other people into the world I’ve been living in with nothing just stacks of papers and hours of key clicks to show for it until then.